30 Over 30: Amy Schumer

On Friday, Amy Schumer released her first feature film–Trainwrecka romantic comedy that she stars in and wrote. To date, the film has exceeded expectations for opening weekend earnings (bringing in over $30 million) and garnered a spate of glowing reviews.

Earlier this year, she was named Glamour’s Trailblazer of the Year. And the critically acclaimed sketch comedy series she writes, produces, and stars in, Inside Amy Schumer, won a Peabody Award for offering “smart, inquisitive, irreverent, and important brand of culturally aware humor.”

She released her debut standup comedy album a month before turning 30.

Part of what I love about Amy’s work is her razor-sharp insight, her unabashed honesty and refusal to apologize for who she is, and her knack for skewering absurd social and cultural blindspots, inequalities, and double standards.

Case in point: I love how she calls out Hollywood’s nefarious tendency to devalue women as they age over 30…

I hope to see Trainwreck this week.

Thank you for all that you do, Amy!

To read about more women making critical contributions – even after age 30 – follow @shespoised on twitter, or like She’s Poised on Facebook (and select Get Notifications from the drop down menu).

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2 replies »

  1. Though Amy can be excessively raunchy sometimes, I like her because she is so honest. She is hilariously brutal. She is not afraid to let herself look stupid. She is self-deprecating, though not as polished, yet, as say, Joan Rivers. She is in the prime of her life, and she is having one heck of a time sowing her wild oats. She keeps this up, she will catch up to Melissa McCarthy. I was going to take my daughters this past Saturday to see Trainwreck, but had to postpone until this coming weekend.

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